December 1-2, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia
Falkensteiner hotel, Belgrade
1-2 December 2017, Belgrade, Serbia
Chairs: Snezana Bosnjak, Dragana Jovanovic, Matti Aapro
We are pleased to announce that the Second Regional Educational Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer Patients for Eastern Europe and the Balkan Region will be held on 1-2 December 2017 in Belgrade.
The meeting is organised by Serbian Society for Medical Oncology, held under the auspices of Multinational Society for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), with the support of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO) and the European School Oncology (ESO).
The meeting is designed to promote supportive care as an integral part of comprehensive cancer care, current supportive care guidelines and facilitate their clinical interpretation and implementation in routine practice. The targeted audience are oncologists with an interest in supportive oncology and palliative care. Topics are selected to cover prevention and management of cancer-induced symptoms and complications, and toxicities from cancer treatment which will be addressed by invited lectures, case presentations and discussions with experts, as well as during interactive workshops to discuss different models of integration of supportive and palliative care into oncology in the region.
Over 150 participants and lecturers representing 21 countries attended the first meeting in 2016 and participants highly valued inspiring lectures, approachability of the speakers and lively debates.
On behalf of the organisers, we would like to cordially invite you to participate and contribute to the development of supportive care in the region.
Further information about the programme and registration can be found at:
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